“I shall die, but that is all I shall do for death.”是活得多么明耀动人啊Louise (20190407二刷)// 听BGM想到的.. 电影其实一般.. 穿着帆布鞋钓鱼的Louise像是刻在了脑子里总是时不时浮现 她笑着跑在乡间的湖水边每一个细胞似乎都在欢叫着:enjoy the moment, seize the day... 不知道是纯粹被这样自带夏日阳光的能量主体吸引丁香社还是70%自己想成为那样的人 或许大多都兼而有之吧
I'm not a fucking drag queen, i wont let u forget it. When u say "Good day, sir!", you stab me all the way through my tender, transgender heart. Can't u just say"yes, dear" and "she" and "her" and "sister" to my tender, transgender heart.